Treatment of Diabetic Foot Wounds and
Difficult-to-Heal Diabetic Foot Ulcers

People living with Diabetes Mellitus can suffer from many neurovascular complications, which are accompanied by a high economic and social cost.Diabetic foot ulcers are more expensive to treat than the five leading cancers. Every 20 seconds a person with diabetes undergoes an amputation resulting from a diabetic foot ulcer. Ulcers are caused when a person with diabetes loses sensation in the foot and cannot feel a blister forming. Left unchecked, an ulcer can lead not only to amputation but death. Cuban Medical Services offers comprehensive care to diabetics, including the use of the new and unique drug Heberprot-P®, prescribed for diabetic foot ulcer therapy, supported by the experience of professionals from the Institute of Angiology and Vascular Surgery and the Institute of Endocrinology.

Program Details

The medical program consists of an initial evaluation that includes consultations with specialists, basic and specific complementary investigations, as well as procedures for the preparation of the areas to be treated with the medication (4 days of hospitalisation); and, a second stage of drug treatment where the infiltration with Heberprot-P® is performed in the lesions (26 days of hospitalisation).


Heberprot-P® is a lyophilized product containing recombinant human epidermal growth factor. It was developed by the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) in 2006 and is applied by specialized personnel specifically trained in the use of this drug. It is applied to individuals of any age, sex, and race, regardless of the type of diabetes. It has been the definitive and effective answer to this health problem.

It is a revolutionary treatment that medical researchers say has saved limbs from amputation and can even be a life-saving product.

Advantages with the use of Heberprot®:

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